The summer school will be held on the Jussieu campus which is located in the center of Paris, here.
The corresponding metro station is "Jussieu", which is on the metro lines 7 and 10.
The lecture room is called "amphi 24". From the main entrance which is near the metro station, it is located right behind the tower, on ground floor.
We will provide financial support for lodging and/or travel for early career participants. At the same time, we encourage all participants to also ask for funding from their home institution.
Supported participants will be lodged in CISP during the first week of the summer school and in FIAP during the second week.
The participants who do not receive any financial support are asked to book their accomodation themselves.
WARNING: The UEFA European Soccer Cup will take place in France at same time, therefore it is strongly advised to book as soon as possible.
For any question about the summer school please contact us here.